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Unsolved Murder of Nancy Probst: A 24-Year-Old Mystery Still Haunts Midwest City

November 16th, 2000, is a day that will forever be etched in the memories of Nancy Probst's loved ones. It was the day her life was brutally cut short, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a family's unrelenting quest for justice. Twenty years have passed since the senseless murder of the 32-year-old mother, yet the case remains unsolved, with her killer still at large.

Nancy Probst, the victim.

A Life Cut Short

Nancy Probst, a Kansas native, had made Midwest City, Oklahoma, her home. She was a loving daughter, sister, and mother to her 9-month-old baby, Lalia. Her life was full of promise, but it was tragically ended in her own home, leaving her family and friends to pick up the pieces.

The Investigation

The Midwest City Police Department has been working tirelessly to solve the case since its inception. Initially, Nancy's husband, Matthew Probst, was charged in connection to the murder and spent 13 months in jail. However, due to lack of evidence, the charges were dropped, and he was released. This decision has left many questions unanswered, and the family is still seeking justice.

Matthew Probst.

Suspicious Behavior

Matthew Probst's behavior on the day of the murder has raised suspicions. He claimed to have found Nancy's body when he arrived home from work, but instead of entering the house, he parked six houses down and waited for the police to arrive. This, coupled with his infidelity and multiple alleged mistresses, has led investigators to focus on him as a prime suspect.

Other Suspects and Leads

While Matthew Probst remains the primary suspect, other leads have been explored. Calvin Mosley, a convicted sexual offender, was investigated due to his history of burglaries and sexual assaults in the area. However, his method of operation didn't match the circumstances of Nancy's murder, and he was eventually ruled out as a suspect.

Advancements in DNA Technology

The Midwest City Police Department is re-examining evidence using advanced DNA technology, hoping to find new leads. Assistant Police Chief Sid Porter emphasizes the importance of this technology, stating, "Technology now with DNA evidence is more advanced and more sensitive in being able to test things and get results." This renewed effort brings hope to Nancy's family and the community that justice may finally be served.

A Family's Plea

Nancy's brother, Byron Helme, has adopted her daughter, Lalia, and is still seeking answers. He expresses the family's pain and frustration, saying, "A lot of pain still that we get from it. You know? Even though it's been 17(24 now) years, it's still been rough." The family urges anyone with information to come forward, hoping to find closure and justice for Nancy.


The unsolved murder of Nancy Probst is a stark reminder that justice is not always served, and sometimes, cases go cold. However, the Midwest City Police Department's continued efforts and advancements in DNA technology bring hope to Nancy's family and the community. If you or anyone you know has information about the case, please contact the Midwest City Police Department. Together, we can help bring closure to this 20-year-old mystery and ensure that Nancy's memory lives on.

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